
Let the journey begin...

Hello! It’s been a few months since I set-up this website dedicated to the art and life of Elsie Lower Pomeroy. I am slowly learning how to build it out and to add content so thank you for your patience. This website is my small contribution to remembering a great-grandmother and a woman artist who I personally never knew. Elsie died in 1971, the year after I was born, but I grew up in a house where she was everywhere. Her watercolors hung on almost every surface and in every room of our Southern California home. I came to know her artwork before I even had an inkling of who she was as a person. One of my aims with this website to get Elsie’s story and her work back out in the world. While in her own lifetime she enjoyed a strong reputation as a part of the California Scene Movement and active member of many California watercolor societies, she’s been largely forgotten by the larger art world (a problematic term since there are so many different art worlds). I look forward to sharing more. Please get in touch anytime through the contact page if you have questions. Onward!