
Elsie Lower Pomeroy (center) in the company of several USDA artist/botanical illustrator colleagues c. 1910.

Elsie Lower Pomeroy (center) in the company of several USDA artist/botanical illustrator colleagues c. 1910.


Hello! Welcome to the website for Elsie Lower Pomeroy (1882-1971). My name is Stephanie Parrish and I am Elsie’s great- granddaughter. I will be working on this website in the coming weeks, months, and (likely) years to share the art, life, and legacy of a largely forgotten woman artist. I hope you will come along on this journey as it unfolds. For a quick overview of Elsie Lower Pomeroy visit her Wikipedia page. I finally got it up a few years ago (thank you Art & Feminism Edit-a-thon). Elsie also has an active-ish Instagram page @elsielowerpomeroy please follow us there too!